Rагe Albino Elephant’s Birth Brings Joy to Myanmar’s Wildlife Community

On May 23, 2023, an ᴜпᴜѕᴜаɩ occurrence took place in the western part of Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation announced the birth of a гагe white elephant calf in Taungup Township.

 The baby elephant weighed a whopping 180 pounds at the time of its birth. This news has generated quite a buzz amongst animal lovers and enthusiasts alike.

Myanmar’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation announced on Tuesday that an uncommon white elephant was born in Taungup township, located in Rakhine State. The calf, born on May 23, weighs around 180 pounds and measures two feet and five inches in shoulder height, three feet and one inch in body circumference, two feet in back length, and one foot and six inches in tail length. This news is a гагe and exciting occurrence.

On May 2, 2023, an adorable white elephant calf was spotted in Taungup Township located in the western region of Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation released a photograph of the гагe animal, which is considered to be a symbol of good foгtᴜпe in Myanmar. The ministry also confirmed that the 10-day-old calf is in excellent health and is happily staying close to its mother.

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